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    2024 Les Miller Student Scholarship Program & Awards Dinner - Donation Page

    Picture of 2024 Les Miller Student Scholarship Program & Awards Dinner - Donation Page
    The Les Miller Student Scholarship Program and Awards Dinner honors our City’s talented and highest performing graduating high school seniors and notable local college students.
    The price must be from $10.00 to $5,000.00

    Interested in sponsoring and/or attending this event??  CLICK HERE for more event information and the registration page.

    Questions? Contact: Juliann Harkness at jharkness@costamesachamber.com


    501(c)(6) Tax ID #: 95-1792321
    Please note:  Contributions to  501(c)(6) organizations are not deductible as charitable contributions on the donor’s federal income tax return. They may be deductible as trade or business expenses if ordi­nary and necessary in the conduct of the taxpayer’s business.  Please consult with your tax consultant for further clarification on deducting your contribution as a business expense.