• Open Gate International

    Open Gate International


    Not-For-Profit - Charities/OrganizationsCatering & Special Events Education and InstructionEducation-Vocational TrainingNot-for-Profit/Educational Restaurant-Fast Casual GourmetRestaurantsRestaurants-CateringRestaurants-Fast Food

    About Us

    Founded in 2016 by Deidre Pujols, wife of Albert Pujols of the Los Angeles Angels, Open Gate International is an Orange County-based global non-profit organization that equips people from vulnerable life situations with culinary arts and life skills to continue their journey of healing and reintegrate into society. Our graduates include survivors of homelessness, human trafficking, domestic violence, veterans, foster youth and those individuals recently released from incarceration.

    We also provide professional catering services and have a fully functioning walk-up cafe in Costa Mesa with international gourmet made-to-order and grab-n-go items.
