
  • Meet Nicole Schmitz | Holistic Nutritionist & Owner of Newport Peach

    We had the good fortune of connecting with Nicole Schmitz and we’ve shared our conversation below.

    Hi Nicole, how has your work-life balance changed over time?

    I think the key to “balance” is remembering that it’s not the same as “equal,” it’s about prioritization. When you take a little from here, you need to add a little over there. When I took over Newport Peach this past spring, there were days when I skipped workouts and altered my routine, for sure. I needed additional childcare and spent more time working in the evenings. If I maintained this forever, it wouldn’t have felt right. But for a while, I had to put in extra work to achieve my goals, and I knew this phase was only temporary to get things up and running again.

    I have to be honest, it’s impossible to do it ALL, every single day. Depending on the month, my kids, my body, or my spirit, my priorities shift, and that’s good. We ebb and flow and so does life. After a hectic period of taking over the business, I found a new balance. Each day, I focus on what’s essential for my health and well-being, recognizing that true balance means prioritizing, not trying to do everything for everyone every day.

    I intend to take life one week at a time, understanding that some days will be dedicated to family, while others will be more work-focused. Not all days are easy or go as planned, but that’s life. By making sure I prioritize self-care every single day, I’m able to keep the energy and focus needed to tackle all the tasks and responsibilities that are most important.


    Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?

    I started my career working in several sales and marketing roles, with a passion for nutrition and wellness. As I navigated the ups and downs of my 20s, I found myself weaving through the world of MLMs, motivational speakers, and jobs that just paid the bills (or didn’t). I was always trying hard to “be better,” and I learned a lot about myself. The one thing I took away from that time was that I could design my life. I still believe we can do that. It’s not always an overnight thing, and every day isn’t perfect. But I strongly believe that I can’t complain about something I can control, and if I don’t like something about my life, I can change it.

    My life took a strong turn around the age of 30 after recently moving from the Midwest to California to reunite with my high school love interest and we started a family (slightly sooner than I expected). I was torn between being a stay-at-home mom like I had always envisioned, and being a financially-free entrepreneur like I had always dreamed. Today, I don’t fall into either of those categories completely, but I work for myself, and someone else, and I have a family I love and am able to prioritize because of the flexibility in my work.

    My career experiences gave me the skills to run the business side of Newport Peach, and my life-long goal of being a business owner gave me the drive to make it happen. I’m grateful for all the tough lessons learned and failures because it’s true, all of those moments really did make me stronger so I learned to do it better the next time around. My intention is to give the women of Newport Peach an inclusive, fun, workout community that they never want to leave, and I’m so honored to have the opportunity to make it happen.


    Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?

    Well, I lived in Newport Peach(Beach) for the last 6 years, my business is in Costa Mesa, and I recently moved to Irvine, so I’d have to create a fun weekend incorporating all those areas! The best time ever for my family and friends would obviously start with a workout at Newport Peach, then involve bikes on the beach, some great food (farmer’s market, the Cannery or Wild Taco for lunch and drinks, and somewhere with bomb Italian food for dinner such as Trenta or Sabatino’s), and end with sunsets at the fire pits. You can’t go wrong with sunshine and good people, so we would definitely be taking advantage of the weather in Southern California and enjoying each other’s company.

    Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?

    I couldn’t talk about Newport Peach and our journey without giving a shoutout to Nicole Kniss, our OG who created the Peach Step method and opened the studio in 2016. I first met Nicole through a mutual friend when I joined as a client about 5 years ago. Her positive vibes and the welcoming, laid-back atmosphere at her step studio won me over in an instant. I could tell that this place and its community were something truly unique in our area, and I wanted it to stay around forever.

    My journey and dream of owning a place like Newport Peach was a match made in heaven for the fantastic space and concept Nicole Kniss created years ago. Our paths crossed and the stars aligned to make this transition happen and we’re absolutely thrilled about the future that lies ahead for Newport Peach!